
Dark Night Inspirational Iron-On Transfer

SandhillDreams Crafts Page.This transfer brings hope to all.  Everyone experiences a “dark night” at some point.  A time when you feel very low, unhappy or confused in life.  Sometimes we have to hit bottom before we spring forth and shine!

This PDF transfer has three different sizes of the photo that is printed on one 8.5″x11″ iron-on transfer paper.  Once printed, you can cut out the separate sizes of the photo and use as needed.

Use on T-shirts, cloth bags, pillow covers, napkins, aprons, caps, visors, etc.

Dark Night






Upload the PDF Iron-On Transfer from the link below to your computer and print onto your transfer sheet.  Follow your iron-on transfer instructions for inserting the paper into your printer, material selection, and ironing instructions.

If you have any suggestions for more free iron-on transfer prints to be added to this blog, please subscribe/follow my blog and leave a comment.

Download this free iron-on transfer at: Dark Night PDF

More iron-on transfers at SandhillDreams Craft Page.



Our Little Butter Bean Iron-On Transfers

Do you have a Little One with the nickname “Butter Bean”?  If so you will enjoy these iron-on transfers.  I have used these on T-shirts and baby onesies.  I even ironed one onto a piece of felt and hand stitched onto a backpack for a Little Butter Bean’s Daddy.  An assortment of six iron-ons pics and quotes are available on this one sheet.
  • Our Little Butter Bean (two different sizes)
  • Butter Bean
  • Butter Bean’s Daddy
  • Butter Bean’s Mom
  • Butter Bean’s Grandma
  • Butter Bean’s Grandpa
  • butter bean dad cropped




Follow your iron-on transfer instructions for inserting the paper into your printer, material selection, and ironing instructions.

Upload the PDF Little Butter Bean Iron-On Transfer to your computer and print onto your transfer sheet.  Once printed, you can cut out the separate butter bean prints as use as needed.

If you have any suggestions for more free iron-on transfer prints to be added to this blog, please subscribe/follow my blog and leave a comment.

Download this free iron-on transfer at:  Our Little Butter Bean Iron-On Transfer

Want more iron-on transfers? Check out SandhillDreams Craft Page.



Free Clip Art Go Green Recycle Can

Go Green Recycle clip art is available free for you use in publications, ads, blogs, labels, business cards, news letters, and school projects, The photo on my blog page will not have the SandhillDreams logo on the photo or clip art.

gogreenrecyslesandGo Green Recycle Can






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