Tool Box Cake Idea

This tool box cake was made for my Dad’s birthday. This cake would be great for a groom’s cake.  I used melted candy coats (white chocolate) to make the  tools. I painted the tools with food coloring and edible silver dust.  Butter cream icing was used as filling between the layers of cake.  The cake was also covered with candy coats (melted white chocolate).  The tool box lid was made of the white chocolate molded to fit the tool box.

My Puppy Dog Cupcakes – How I Made Them

ITEMS NEEDED:Baked cupcakes
Large leaf decorating tube
Pastry bag
White frosting (works better if cold)
Large marshmallows
Miniature marshmallows
Miniature chocolate chipsInsert the large leaf decorating tube into the pastry bag.  Cut off the end to expose the end of the decorating tube. Fill the pastry bag 1/2 to 3/4 of the way full of white frosting.

Using the prepared pastry bag, squeeze frosting onto the top of a cupcake.
Place a large marshmallow onto the center of a cupcake
Dab a little frosting onto a miniature marshmallow and adhere to the large marshmallow.

You will use a squeeze and pull motion with the pastry bag and leaf decorating tube to create fluffy fur.  Touch the tube against the miniature marshmallow and squeeze and pull away to create fur. Repeat until nose area is covered in icing.  Do the same for the large marshmallow.

Place a miniature chocolate chip into the frosting covering the miniature marshmallow. Place two miniature chocolate chips just above the miniature marshmallows to create eyes.  Make sure the flat side of the chocolate chip is facing outward.

Continue the squeeze and pull motion of the pastry bag to create fur over the large marshmallow and cupcake.

Best Cake Recipe from a Mix

This recipe is change a box mix into a delicious cake!
Specific ingredients are used to change the flavor and texture of the cake.

1 box Betty Crocker cake mix (any flavor)
1 cup cool water
1 melted and cooled stick of solid Blue Bonnet Margarine
3 whole large eggs
1 large egg white

Preheat oven and prepare pans as to the cake mix box instructions.
Pour the cooled melted margarine and cool water into a mixing bowl. Add the cake mix. Beat on high for 2 minutes while scraping the bottom and sides of the bowl. Let mixture rest and absorb the liquids for one to two minutes.
Add the whole eggs and egg white to the batter. Beat on high for 1 1/2 minutes while scraping the bottom and sides of the bowl.
Pour batter into prepared pans. Bake as directed on cake mix package. Carefully remove from oven and cool completely before frosting the cakes.

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