All posts by SandhillDreams

Zombie Flu Walk

Zombie Flu WalkAs horrible as my husband and I are feeling from this flu, I could not help but find some humor in the illness. We both slowly pulled ourselves from the comfortable seating we had been dozing and began our slow trek across the living room floor to the kitchen for more meds. I began laughing as I noticed both of our walking patterns, and said to my husband, “We are moving like zombies”. Yes, we really were walking like the zombies in movies. Thank you flu virus for the muscle aches and weakness! Ugh!!!!    But, hey, I did a grin out of my sick husband.




How to Get Your Great Sportsman on the Cover of a Magazine

What an honor to be on the cover of a magazine. It feels like you finally made it! Hats off to my son Scott for making the cover of Outdoor sports! Now the real story…….…..

Scott Sportsman of the Year
I was looking for a unique gift and found the magazine covers offered at Walgreen’s photo department. You will need to set up a Walgreen’s account and add your photo. Under the ‘prints’ tab, select magazine covers and click on the Select Now button. At the next screen select View All to see all the cover selections and click on the cover of your choice. If your photo is not appearing in the left area under Your Photos, you can upload a photo at this time. Click and the photo and drag it onto the magazine cover. Simply and easy! Make certain the photo is position correctly on the cover.


To be perfectly honest, I had to crop and adjust the size of my photo several times to get the picture aligned. I was having problems getting my son’s head and the alligator positioned on the cover. It was well worth it though! Once you have the photo positioned on the cover as you like, save your work and check out. Pick up your magazine cover at a local Walgreens. Do not forget to add any coupons/discounts before checking out!

For an extra punch to the gift, I purchased a sportsman magazine and glued the photo cover onto the magazine cover. It worked great! I also typed up an article and glued to one of the inside pages of the magazine.

Sportman's article

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